
Watching Myths Unwind

This article gave Peacenik a slightly different take on the media and political leadership's seemingly willful ignorance of reality. Is it possible they really do believe the myths propping up America? Maybe. Or they don't believe them but can't imagine any other course of action other than trying to get the status quo back. Leaders don't preserve the status quo. Losers do.

by Dan Bednarz, PhD

A few generations from now our descendants will wonder, “What took them so long to figure out that we’d reached the limits to growth?” The answer, of course, is that growth is the core of the myth holding the American psyche together. If it’s false, what’s the meaning of “life, the universe, everything?”

Karen Armstrong writes:
“We are meaning-seeking creatures. Dogs, as far as we know, do not agonise about the canine condition, worry about the plight of dogs in other parts of the world, or try to see their lives from a different perspective. But human beings fall easily into despair, and from the very beginning we invented stories that enabled us to place our lives in a larger setting, that revealed an underlying pattern, and gave us a sense that, against all the depressing and chaotic evidence to the contrary, life had meaning and value.”

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