
George Galloway banned from Canada while George W. Bush is welcomed

punditman says...

Punditman had barely recovered from last week's fiasco in Calgary, whereby Dubya was given the red carpet treatment, and then this story hits the headlines. Let's see: George Galloway is a British member of Parliament, albeit a controversial one. He is an outspoken opponent of the war in Iraq, the occupation of Afghanistan, the occupation of Palestine and Israel's attacks in Lebanon and Gaza. In other words, his views are in sync with millions of others, which is no reason to ban him from entering Canada for a speaking tour. Especially since there is no evidence that he is a "financial supporter of terrorism." The politicized allegations against him have not been proven in a court of law. Obviously this is a total affront to free speech.

Meanwhile, George W. Bush is more than controversial; by any sane standard, he's an international criminal of mammoth proportion---yet the Harper government and the Calgary Chamber of Commerce saw fit to greet him with open arms and an open wallet. Utterly disgusting. Such is the mentality of the neo cons who rule this country. To see what Galloway is really all about, view the above video. Then kiss your free speech goodbye.