
Iran Open Thread: Government Continues Brutal Crackdown

Peacenik thinks the only thing left to be decided in Iran is whether or not the status quo can be maintained. And Peacenik thinks the status quo has been shattered. Yes the government may be able to retain power. But the government's knowledge and the people's knowledge, and the world's knowledge that a huge groundswell of opposition to the present regime exists has forever changed the dynamics.

There will be repression, and murder, and mayhem, but the illusion of control is gone. The protesters have won. How their victory plays out though is still up in the air. But Peacenik thinks a majority of Iran is sick of living in a theocracy. The victory is that simple. Peacenik looks forward to the day when the majority of the U.S. is sick of living in a kleptocracy. It can happen.

by Zoltan

Thu Jun 25, 2009 at 09:46:26 PM PDT

Iran is rapidly fading from the public consciousness. Two high profile celebrity deaths, of course, will drown out all significant news in the corporate media for some time to come (and to some extent even on the blogs - three recommended diaries on the deaths in one day here, for example). The Irani government has been increasinlgy more successful in creating a media blackout, which is also contributing to the general loss of interest that seems to be taking place in the West.

But I would like to keep the discussion about Iran going. Please post news, thoughts, and analysis.

I have a few thoughts of my own below the fold.

Nico Pitney has changed his link:

Nico Pitney at the Huffington Post

And a link to Sullivan, who is still devoting a lot of his blog to Iran:

Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish

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