
Former White House Lawyer Tells Senate that “Indefinite Detention” Without Trial Is Occurring In Afghanistan and Iraq, As Well As Guantanamo

punditman says...If torture is mainstream, then the law is a joke and we all live in banana republics with kangaroo courts. Think I'll donate to Amnesty International.

Richard Klingler, a lawyer in the Office of White House Counsel under former president George W. Bush, told senators today:

The "debate on indefinite detention often wrongly focuses on Guantanamo Bay," arguing the practice is "considerably more widespread."

It is a practice Obama "will continue to pursue," in Afghanistan, Iraq, and at Guantanamo, and he noted they have already followed in the Bush administration's footsteps by defending it repeatedly in court, added Klingler.

The "wartime framework underlying [these tactics] have settled well within the mainstream of the American tradition," he said.
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