
Taking a Stand Against Hypocrisy and Grandstanding

What in the hell is IGGY doing? The economy is going down the tubes. GM is nationalized. The Middle East already inflamed. Unemployment soaring. Deficits through the roof. And the Liberal party is sponsoring an Iran Accountabilty Act. And Irwin cotler is co-blogging with goof ball torture defender Alan Dershowitz. By the way, Irwin Cotler is special counsel on human rights and international justice to the Liberal Party and MP for Mount Royal.

Peacenik thought the West was going to reach out to Iran. But it looks like pandering to the neo-cons is more important. Canada passing an Iran Accountability Act, it is absurd. Crazy. Peacenik thinks grandstanding on the International Stage only leads to trouble. Like Canada's pointless intervention in Afghanistan. Bring the troops home now. Now, here is Dershowitz/Cotler goofball article:

Double Standard Watch: Taking a stand against Iran

by Alan Dershowitz and Irwin Cotler

Irwin Cotler, the former minister of justice and attorney general of Canada, member of Canadian parliament and co-author of this piece, is introducing legislation in Canadian parliament today called the "Iran Accountability Act." While it expressly holds Iran to account - for its genocidal threats, nuclear ambitions and domestic repressions - it can also function to hold any signatory to the Genocide Convention to account. All signatories to the 1948 Genocide Convention (including the United States) have a responsibility to prevent genocide - and to punish incitement to genocide - that they have largely ignored in the case of the world’s greatest threat. The IAA, while a Canadian initiative, is a template model as to how to fulfill these responsibilities and take a stand against Iranian criminal actions.

We were in Geneva when the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, stepped to the podium at the United Nations and delivered an address at a conference ostensibly aimed at fighting racism. With that speech - fettered with anti-Semitic comments and rooted in the very intolerance the Durban Review Conference was supposed to be combating, the whole delivered on the day of Holocaust remembrance in Geneva - the use and abuse of the United Nations reached a new, shameful low.

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