
10 reasons Terminators destroy 'Twitter-brains'

Hypnotized, you'll forget dot-coms, subprimes, the next Great Depression

By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch

ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- In the next "Terminator" sequel, Skynet will "send back" a new, more dangerous "Terminator," not another titanium killing machine but "Twitter Code." And after that, the "Tweet Code" will further limit communications between humanoids, from 140 words to 17 syllables, the length of a Zen koan but without the wisdom.

Two more Skynet weapons further controlling us, destroying our humanity.

Why Twitter, why Tweet? Because both reflect a disturbing trend, the rapidly decreasing attention span and intelligence of the human brain. It's no match for Wall Street's version of the "Terminator's" Skynet that is rapidly expanding it's dominance over the public.

Seriously, Wall Street's Skynet has access to massive data bases on the behavior patterns of all humanoids: Transactions on securities, credit cards, loans, taxes, telephone calls, internet, and soon, all medical records, plus a financial innovation arsenal of quant algorithms and the K-Street network of 42,000 lobbyists gives Wall Street Skynet control of government, and absolute control of investors and our so-called democracy.

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This article has a certain appropriateness given the trouble Schwarzenegger is having in California. Peacenik likes the Terminator movies. And this is as good an explanation as any for what is going on. This is as good an explanation as any for why people can't remember yesterday. And it is as good an explanation as any for why Cramer was braying about a new bull market. It is Skynet. The world is at war.