
Tuna, Toilet paper, and Timing

When Peacenik read about Wave 3 being on its way, Peacenik's thoughts immediately turned to planning for the consequences of Wave 3. Peacenik already has a portable toilet. Peacenik already has some supplies. Then Peacenik read this article about intergenerational equity. Peacenik has never thought (Peacenik thinks) about intergenerational equity before. But Peacenik finds it reassuring that someone is thinking about it. Maybe there will be a way forward. After Wave 3.

by Nate Hagens

Concern about global resource depletion, at least in certain circles, is generating individual hoarding behavior - I don't know how prevalent this is, the potential advantages it will ultimately confer, or any of the subtleties of the'must have' list. This brief Campfire essay is a (somewhat disjointed) exploration of the short term translation of financial capital into basic goods, from the perspective of long term timing and social trajectories. (I expect it will generate some good discussion, especially following Luis' piece on Sustainability)

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