
Time for an Israeli Strike?

As if the Washington Post and the New York Times didn't do enough to push the Iraq war, we now have the Post giving column inches to John Bolton the crazy former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. By the way, Bolton was never confirmed by the Senate, Bush had to use a recess appointment to get him the job.

Bolton always wants to attack Iran, and in this goofy essay he suggests that after the attack a public diplomacy campaign could be successfully directed at the Iranian's currently risking their lives to protest the elections. That is the few who survive. Peacenik is sure a public diplomacy campaign waged in the midst of nuclear fallout would work just fine.

By John R. Bolton
Thursday, July 2, 2009

With Iran's hard-line mullahs and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps unmistakably back in control, Israel's decision of whether to use military force against Tehran's nuclear weapons program is more urgent than ever.

Iran's nuclear threat was never in doubt during its presidential campaign, but the post-election resistance raised the possibility of some sort of regime change. That prospect seems lost for the near future or for at least as long as it will take Iran to finalize a deliverable nuclear weapons capability.

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