
Scott Horton Interviews Gareth Porter


Gareth Porter, independent historian and journalist for Inter Press Service News Agency, discusses the Obama administration’s attempted duplication of Gen. Petraeus’s Iraq “success” in Afghanistan, the difficulty foreign occupiers have in overcoming the Pashtunwali code, the possible changes in U.S. military planning when the Quadrennial Defense Review is completed and Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic attempt to separate the Taliban and al Qaeda.

MP3 here. (27:43)

Gareth Porter’s articles appear on the Huffington Post, Inter Press Service News Agency and on Antiwar.com.

punditman says...Vice President Joe Biden thinks that 70% of the insurgents are just doing it for the money, and therefore all the West has to do is buy them off and we're home free.

Malarky, says Porter--and anyone else who knows anything about the region. They will fight because they will not accept foreign occupation--ever. They will fight because the Pashtun code of conduct dictates that they must avenge the deaths of their relatives. And since NATO is doing a great job at killing lots of innocents, then the war will go on as long as foreign troops occupy, end of story. Listen to this interview and then compare it to what we are told about Afghanistan in the mainstream media.