
The Real Criminals are Neither Lynndie England nor the AIG Traders

by Thom Hartmann

Whenever a politician or commentator bloviates about the brokers at AIG who are getting bonuses, we should all be remembering Lynndie England and Charles Granger. AIG brokers are to the financial meltdown what England was to the Iraq war.

Certainly she did things that were deplorable. But she thought they were legal (England, operating under orders to "soften up terrorists," even thought she was helping defend our nation). And to the extent that John Yoo's memos were law, arguably her actions were legal (although the Bushies never wanted it tested, so threw them to the wolves).

But the important point is that the real criminals of the Iraq War were not those like Lynndie England: they were George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld (and their neocon buddies).

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Yes, this is the ultimate irony. The financial crisis the world now faces was the ultimate goal of the powers that be. They succeeded in "starving the beast". The succeeded in "drowning the gov't in the bathtub." They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The U.S. will be lucky to be able to afford food stamps for the hungry. Tent cities are already exploding all over the country. The precious private health care system will remain private. But no one will be able to afford it. The pharma industry will remain unregulated. But no one will be able to afford the drugs. They succeeded and now they are scared shitless. Unanticipated and uncontrollable consequences. Just a little revolution, and some riots and mayhem. A bit of anarchy.

It's all coming to you courtesy of the Republicans and their Democratic enablers. The same Democratic enablers who are getting all the airtime pushing the Blue Dog bullshit. Peacenik doesn't think the world deserves what is coming. But Peacenik understands why.