
Why Right-Wing Demagogues Are Tying to Peddle Ludicrous Conspiracy Theories

As the U.S. economy goes down the toilet the wingnuts are acting like they are having a nervous breakdown. And the mainstream media continues to give credence to the craziest right wing theories. Lou Dobbs continues to push the birther movement. Kookie Glen Beck makes the cover of Time magazine. Huge swaths of wingnutville believe in death panels. A congressman called Obama an enemy of humanity. And on and on. Death threats against Obama are soaring.

When the economy gets even worse (Saturn shutting down as Peacenik types) what are all the armed, dangerous, angry, unemployed, hungry, rightwingers going to do? Peacenik thinks this is the last chance for the mainstream media. If it has any sense of right from wrong left, it has to start exposing quackery for what it is. But Peacenik thinks the media is too far gone. It is quackery itself.

By Chip Berlet, Indypendent. Posted October 1, 2009.

Even before Obama was sworn in as the 44th President, the internet was seething with lurid theories exposing his alleged subversion and treachery.

Among the many false claims: Obama was a secret Muslim; he was not a native U.S. citizen and his election as president should be overturned; he was a tool of the New World Order in a plot to merge the government of the United States into a North American union with Mexico and Canada.

Within hours of Obama’s inauguration, claims circulated that Obama was not really president because Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts scrambled the words as he administered the oath of office. A few days after the inauguration came a warning that Obama planned to impose martial law and collect all guns.

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