
Marching Toward Zombieland

For a couple of weeks Kunstler veered off into neo con land. Today Kunstler is talking about the banks. Peacenik doesn't know when speculating about something turn's into advocating something. But this article sounds incendiary. Or is it just a warning? Peacenik is glad Peacenik is not a banker.

By James Howard Kunstler
on October 19, 2009 7:23 AM

When sober-minded individuals begin to regard an enterprise within a nation as "an enemy of the people" you can bet that some serious blood is going to flow. This is now essentially the situation for the Goldman Sachs company, which last week announced third-quarter earnings of over $3 billion largely derived from converting zero percent loans from taxpayers into zero risk profits off of anything paying more than zero percent in interest, revenue, or dividends.
The "people" across this big country may not have a clue how any of this is done, and there may be much to fault them on from the care-and-feeding of their own bodies to the content of their dreams, but you can't argue with the fact that they are heavily armed to an extreme. And although it may be hard to measure with precision, one might venture to state that they are increasingly pissed off. How else explain popular entertainments like "Zombieland?"

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