
Robocops Employ Scary Crowd-Stopping Technology at Pittsburgh Protests

Long range accoustic devices torture everyone's ears. I guess crowd control theory doesn't acknowledge "bystanders" anymore. Peacenik doesn't think this weapon has ever been used in Canada. But the G8 is coming to Huntsville next June. One of Peacenik's correspondents has already informed Peacenik that the police have rented a large empty building to be used as a prison in Muskoka during the G8 conference. Police are also going to be deploying razor wire to protect the G8 leaders.

That's right folks. Muskoka will be militarized so that Harper can hobnob with G8 leaders. Will long range accoustic devices be deployed? Peacenik thinks it may be time to start complaining now. And Peacenik is cheering for the black flies.

By Mike Ferner, After Downing Street. Posted September 28, 2009.

An arsenal of "crowd control munitions," was deployed with a massive, overpowering police presence in Pittsburgh during last week's G-20 protests.

No longer the stuff of disturbing futuristic fantasies, an arsenal of "crowd control munitions," including one that reportedly made its debut in the U.S., was deployed with a massive, overpowering police presence in Pittsburgh during last week's G-20 protests.

Nearly 200 arrests were made and civil liberties groups charged the many thousands of police (most transported on Port Authority buses displaying "PITTSBURGH WELCOMES THE WORLD"), from as far away as Arizona and Florida with overreactingand they had plenty of weaponry with which to do it.

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