

April 28, 2009 by rgwallace

Cases of swine flu H1N1 are now reported in Honduras, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Austria, Thailand, Israel, etc. Can’t keep up at this point.

H1N1 is making its way across the world by hierarchical diffusion. By the world’s transportation network it is bouncing down a hierarchy of cities defined by their size and economic power and their interconnectedness to Mexico City, the international city closest to the initial outbreak. It’s no coincidence that New York and San Diego were among the first cities hit. The virus is also engaged in contagious diffusion, spreading out within each new country hit.

For the most part only a few cases have been reported in countries other than Mexico. But as influenza, unlike SARS, can transmit before symptoms show, there may be no way to stop H1N1 now. New York now reports hundreds infected.

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Yesterday commenter Johnnyanonymous mentioned factory farms as one of the causes of swine flu. He was right. Notice how Peacenik is going to continue to call the swine flu the swine flu. Peacenik will not be intimidated by the pork industry. This is ridiculous. Economic collapse. Healthcare collapse. Pension collapse. Financial collapse. And the lead item on this morning's news was that the local radio station will now refer to swine flu and H1N1.

Peacenik is glad everyone has their priorities straight.