
Logical consequences: When you believe in war, sooner or later you bring it home

by Robert C. Koehler September 4, 2008

Call it creative self-destruction, maybe.

How surreal it's been this week to watch the Republicans reap a small portion of the divine comeuppance due them, first from a hurricane, then from a pregnant teen-ager. Surely more of the same is on its way, but no one wins, because what is lying in a shambles around the McCain campaign is a harvest of suffering.

The bad ideas of the Republican right, or rather the consequences of those ideas -- from pre-emptive war to abstinence-only sex education to the merger of church and state to let's-drown-government-in-the-bathtub -- started taking over the Republican National Convention, bursting the levees of managed news and disciplined hypocrisy. Suddenly eight years of extreme cynicism began generating (it's a miracle) . . . bad press.

was lucky he was quashing a big thirst at the pub last night and didn't have to watch the hatefest that was the Republican convention. The stage is set. Extreme right wing Republican party versus a Democratic party that at least talks about a few progressive positions. Are there enough sane, moderate, Americans willing to reject eight years of Republican rule? Peacenik thinks so.