
Why Obama Could be in Trouble

Instead of acting like journalists, the mainstream media have become McCain's personal assistants, regurgitating his B.S. without question.

It might seem unlikely that the United States would elect John McCain to succeed George W. Bush when that would ensure continuation of many unpopular Bush policies: an ill-defined war with the Muslim world, right-wing consolidation of the U.S. Supreme Court, a drill-oriented energy strategy, tax cuts creating massive federal deficits, etc., etc.

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Why does Peacenik read stories like this that make him feel sick? Peacenik is very sick of the 20 or 30 media types who seem to shape the public's perception of an election campaign. The Cokie Roberts, David Broders and George Wills of the media elite. But there is hope. At least the media has not spent multiple news cycles on the cost of Obama's haircuts. At least the media has not accused Obama of plagiarizing an academic paper. And at least the media hasn't spent weeks speculating on whether or not Obama wears French cuff shirts. There is hope.....there is hope.