
Are Key Obama Advisors in Tune with Neocon Hawks Who Want to Attack Iran?

By Robert Dreyfuss, Tomdispatch.com. Posted December 3, 2008

Think an attack is unlikely now? Ask key Obama cabinet figures why they're still palling around with neocon hardliners on Iran.

A familiar coalition of hawks, hardliners, and neoconservatives expects Barack Obama's proposed talks with Iran to fail -- and they're already proposing an escalating set of measures instead. Some are meant to occur alongside any future talks. These include steps to enhance coordination with Israel, tougher sanctions against Iran, and a region-wide military buildup of U.S. strike forces, including the prepositioning of military supplies within striking distance of that country.

Once the future negotiations break down, as they are convinced will happen, they propose that Washington quickly escalate to war-like measures, including a U.S. Navy-enforced embargo on Iranian fuel imports and a blockade of that country's oil exports. Finally, of course, comes the strategic military attack against the Islamic Republic of Iran that so many of them have wanted for so long.

Peacenik is already whigged out over economic collapse, the constitutional crisis in Canada, Sean Avery's potty mouth, and now Peacenik reads a frightening post about Obama's foreign policy team. When will Peacenik get a break?