
We've Been Down This Road Before: A Great Depression Quiz

by Jacob Savage

Half of these quotes are taken from Arthur Schlesinger Jr.'s "The Crisis of the Old Order," about the Great Depression and the coming of the New Deal; the other half are taken from media sources during the last four years. All proper names and specific dates are underlined and have been replaced with their generic counterparts. A small portion of the text has been edited for concision and clarity, with any obvious anachronisms removed.

Your task is to decide what era and person each excerpt refers to: a) Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin Roosevelt, and the events of 1929-1933, or b) George W. Bush, John McCain, Barack Obama, and the events of the last four years.

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Peacenik was caffinating the cobwebs from Peacenik's mind when Peacenik came across this quizz. Are we in a depression? What metrics would you use to decide? Peacenik took the quizz. Peacenik had fun. Peacenik is posting from a new location on a new computer. This is a test.