
Korea 'may have lessons for US'

File this one under "Dreaming in Technicolor"

punditman says:
Good luck with that, George. To look to the Korean War's aftermath as a model for what to do in Iraq shows just how delusional the neo-cons have become. Off the top of Punditman's head, here are some obvious differences between the two situations:

1. The Korean War was part of the Cold War - Iraq is not.
2. In Korea, there were two huge conventional armies that fought to a standstill. In Iraq, there are many factions fighting each other in an unconventional war, and many fighting against their occupiers. There is no sign of anyone standing still.
3. Though technically still at war, South Korea has endured the permanence of US bases -- but after the fighting stopped. There is no indication that the majority of Iraqis will put up with permanent US bases in their country. So as I say, good luck with that!

I am sure I have just scratched the surface here.
Post Script: To further emphasize the absurdity of this and other ludicrous comparisons emanating from the Bushies, there's this from Slate:

Iraq Is Korea? Bush's latest appalling historical analogy
by Fred Kaplan